Children in kindergarten may have a difficult time identifying and expressing emotions. They may know they are mad or sad but may not yet have the self-awareness to recognize more complex feelings such as embarrassment, shame, frustration, or disappointment (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning [CASEL] 2017). According to the five competencies of CASEL (2017), with respect to social awareness, students in kindergarten to grade three are learning how to interact with others and how to recognize the feelings and needs of self and others, although empathy is not yet fully established. Students can learn to identify feelings of self and others, begin to identify and define what mental health is (compared to physical health). Children learn that mental wellness is important so they are ready to learn. Connect mental health to physical health; in children, mental health conditions such as depression/anxiety may manifest with physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or changes in sleep. At this young age, children are developing their relationship skills through interactions with others. Responsible decision-making provides students with opportunities to make many decisions as age and developmentally appropriate throughout the day at school as compared to prior years when parents, guardians, or caretakers may have made most of the decisions for the child.
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