Transitional kindergarten (TK) through third grade is typically a wonderful and exciting time in a child’s scholastic life. Most students in TK, kindergarten, or first grade are embarking on the fascinating journey of student life for the first time in their young lives, while other students are continuing their education from prior years. As students progress in their pivotal primary education years, they are excited and ready to learn about the many aspects of health supported by the CA Health Education Content Standards and Framework. Teachers, other educators, school nurses, school counselors, school psychologists, administrators, curriculum specialists, and district personnel are in a unique and important position to inspire, encourage, teach, mentor, support, and guide young students in adopting healthy practices and positive health behaviors that will lead to a lifetime of good health.

In addition to the resources available for each content area, the
CA Healthy Kids Resources Center provides access to educational resources that can be borrowed at no cost, including curricula, books, video, and audio.